Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nursey, Continued.

Not only does our nugget have a bookshelf, her room is now fully equipped with furniture.

We've got a crib...


A ceiling fan...

(Home Depot)

A chair...

(also Ikea, from years ago)

And a dresser...


And her closet? Weellllll.... I may have not been able to resist a couple of cute sundresses for next summer. And an option for a going home from the hospital outfit. Plus we've gotten some great hand-me-downs.

And these? We'll use these fabrics for all kinds of fun little touches. You know, to bring in some pops of color around the room. First up: a crib skirt. Stay tuned.

Also, I'm totally enjoying playing around with iPhone photography apps. My favorite so far is the one I've used for this and the tomato garden post, which makes the photos look like they're polariods. I like the effect.


  1. Haha - I couldn't resist the green-and-white polka dot outfit for Ada as well!!! And we also have the same IKEA dresser in Ada's room, only in red. Looking good, Jess! Isn't it fun (yet slightly overwhelming!) to prepare for your little one's arrival?

  2. Which app is that??
    Do tell.
    Also, using you as inspiration when we have to do two kids' rooms fast!
