I've tried, for the last few days, to come up with something to say.
It usually isn't difficult for me.
But this time, I was going for cohesive. A story? Nothing coming to me. An opinion? Nope. So here we go - some random thoughts for you all.
1. We're in Phoenix right now visiting Josh's family. We haven't been out to visit in almost two years, and it is nice to be here with them again. Our 6 days will be filled with our favorite Phoenix restaurants, card games, movies, cookie decorating, and cooking for the big day tomorrow. What more could we ask for?
2. This trip marks the end of my constant travel, and I'm thankful for that. I haven't been to Bible Study in over a month and I worry that they think I've dropped out!
3. The holidays snuck up on me this year. All of a sudden I was all,
holy cow Thanksgiving is next week. And now it is tomorrow. But I love this season, and am thrilled that it is upon us once again.
4. We always do presents with Josh's family when we're spending Thanksgiving with them. So we've done half our shopping already, and even opened presents last night.
5. We're going to try
Pioneer Woman's turkey tomorrow. I've never taken the lead on the turkey before, and am excited to try my hand at it. Thankfully PW does a nice job of including step-by-step instructions. And really, it better be good after I spent $18 on Williams Sonoma brine. I'll keep you posted.
6. I'm totally excited to decorate for Christmas this year - our first year in our house. Before we left, I put up the first decoration - a wreath on the door. I'm working on Josh to agree to a real Christmas tree. He claims our little fake one will be fine, but I completely disagree. That thing is stingy-looking and doesn't deserve to make an appearance. And really, it cost us all of $30 4 years ago. It is time for it to be put to rest.
7. We're going to attempt family portraits later on this week, with Josh's grandparents, parents, and us. I'm hopeful for a good Christmas card picture.
8. Although these last couple months have been busy and stressful and all kinds of other things, there is just so much I'm thankful for about my life.
Thank you, Jesus for my husband, for keeping us safe, for our families who love and support us, for our home, for encouraging and honest conversation with friends, for our dog, and for planting my feet on your solid ground, even though I seem to fall off so very often.