Josh graduated from Indiana's Kelley School of Business almost two years ago.
While he was in school, we made so many great friends. It was awesome. I miss them. Most of us were new to Bloomington at the time. Most of us were on an adventure. Many of us were pre-kids. We were all a bit short on cash. We clicked for those two years of business school. And then
graduation happened, and we scattered to different locations for different jobs.
Some of us landed in Columbus. Praise God for Kelley friends here! It made moving to Columbus so much easier.
But others landed in Minneapolis. Indianapolis. Chicago. And,
sniff sniff, we haven't seen some of our friends since graduation.
And you know what? Many of us have gotten
busy since then. As in, busy making babies. When we graduated, one of us was pregnant. Now between us there are five babies. And more on the way.
It took months of planning. And emailing. And coordinating car seats and pack & plays. (Most of that was done by our terrific hosts, the LaRue's!) One family took their nine-month-old twins on an airplane. The rest of us drove, and met in suburban Indy for a reunion weekend.
It was baby central: Ryan, Oliver, Tyler, Stella, and Caroline.
I love how Tyler is gnawing on Oliver's arm, and how Stella is stealing Caroline's pacifier.
Haha, I've got it!Moms and babies. For the record, Lora (in pink) is holding one of Kendra's twins.
Oliver - isn't he handsome?
Love the baby blues.
Stella, Oliver's twin, has awesome cheeks.
And she learned to crawl that weekend!
Krueger twins! Adorable.
Cute family!
Tyler is a month older than Caroline and can now sit up on his own. She was impressed.
Ryan was the "old man" of the group at almost 2. His baby sister is expected in the next month. And he wasn't a huge fan of his mom holding Caroline.
He warmed up to her eventually, however.
Tracy and Kendra with their sweet little boys.
The LaRues were fantastic hosts. They opened their home to the baby madness, made all kinds of food, borrowed extra baby equipment, and overall made all of us feel right at home.
This is what we did most of the time.
Adult hung out; babies played.
Actually, the men played too.
Little kid basketball. Ryan's toys. Plus beer. In the mud room. For hours.
The boys felt that they needed a "team" photo.
And we girls went with a more normal shot.
You know you have good friends when, after two years of not seeing them, it feels like nothing has changed.
You know, except babies.