Friday, October 2, 2009

Pacific Northwest, Part 3

Sorry for the long hiatus from this series.  I was busy turning 26 and needed a few days off.

Just kidding.  I was simply out of town (and away from my main computer) for six days.

3. The Michigan Game at a Local Bar

For the most part, going on vacation does not get in the way of watching our Wolverines play football each fall. This trip was no exception, although we were a little concerned about just where we'd be able to go that had the game on TV. It wasn't a big enough game to get on any major network in that part of the country.

But we googled it, and found that the Alumni Association had chosen a specific bar in downtown Seattle for the season's worth of watching the games.

And so, at 9:00 am local time, we headed to a sports bar, and ended up watching the game with 150 other Michigan fans. Each and every TV in the place was tuned into the game, and there was standing room only in that place. We loved it.

Michigan Game

2. The Oregon Coast

We decided to take a leisurely drive alone the coast, having heard that it was a pretty place to go. Holy cow. It was magnificent.

Oregon Coast


Tom, Beth, and Ainsley said...

Absolutely gorgeous photos! I want to go there! Love it!

Erika said...

Wow, Jess, the coast looks beautiful! You are becoming quite the photographer. I'm enjoying your list, thanks for sharing :) Makes me want to visit the place.

Jenni S. said...

Again, these are amazing pictures, Jessica. I can't believe how much you all packed into such a short time!

Kristen said...

i agree with Jenni - i can't believe how much you packed into a long weekend. WOW!

your pictures of the coast are amazing. i can't wait to go there myself. it is going to be a definite to do for next summer or fall. your pictures capture the beauty that we have heard so much about since we moved here.