Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It gets me.

I was sifting through a bunch of newly-printed pictures of Caroline from her 9 month shoot.

And I kept thumbing to this one.

It isn't the kind of shot I'm going to print in wallet sizes and hand them out to family members. I'm not going to hang it on my wall. It wouldn't feel quite right in that context.

But I keep coming back to it.

The sweetness.

The eye rub.

The baby-ness.

The bib overalls and board book.

The tired baby.

But mostly, the innocence.

An innocence I desperately want to protect. An innocence that's been entrusted to us. She's so sweet, so trusting, so joyful. I don't want anything to take those things from her. I just want to protect her.

Like, until she's 30.

It's daunting. We don't want her to grow up too fast, and yet we don't want to her to be so sheltered that she's clueless. How do parents do it? What boundaries to you set? When do you set them? How do you raise a child to be wise, but still protect that little heart?

Lord, help us.

Lord, help us, indeed.


Ali said...

The tired baby eye rub. What a gift!

Amber said...

It almost looks like she's praying :)

Amber said...

also, I've heard great things about this book: http://www.amazon.com/Shepherding-Childs-Heart-Tedd-Tripp/dp/0966378601

Marla Taviano said...

I see a brown bear, a red bird, a yellow duck, a blue horse, a green frog, a purple cat, a white dog, a black sheep, a goldfish, and a teacher looking at me. That's what I see.

(That's totally from memory, and I haven't read it in forever.) :)