Sunday, January 27, 2008

Book Meme! My favorite kind.

Here is a quiz that is near and dear to my heart - books! I got it from this blog and would be curious to hear the answers of other bloggy friends (hint, hint). And because The Bible could be included in so many of these answers I'm going to not include here. Just assume I read it and my life has been significantly changed. :)

One book that changed your life. What's So Amazing About Grace or Cold Tangerines. Or The Irresistible Revolution

One book that you have read more than once. Oh so many of them, including the Anne of Green Gables series (the cover actually fell off Anne's House of Dreams), the Little House series, and the Harry Potter series. Pretty much any Roald Dahl, Lois Lowry, Beverly Cleary, or Judy Blume book would make that list, too. Do you get the impression that was I was big re-reader as a kid?

One book you would want on a desert island. A Diary of Private Prayer. And Redeeming Love.

Two books that made you laugh. Blue Like Jazz and Messy Spirituality

One book that made you cry. Where The Red Fern Grows... but surprisingly not Marley and Me, which is why my friend Kendra calls me "dead inside."

One book you wish you'd written. I know Harry Potter is the obvious answer... but I'll have to go with that, too. Most popular books in history? Come on...

One book you wish had never been written. This one was a toughie, but I agree with Sarah about Wuthering Heights.

Two books you are currently reading. Feed (a young adult book recommended by my friend Lora) and Sacred Marriage (which we're reading with some other couples from church)

One book you've been meaning to read. This list could go ON... but includes Dear Church, A Thousand Splendid Suns, Peppermint-Filled Pinatas, Sin Boldly (which won't be out for awhile), Stumbling Toward Faith, I Am The Messenger, more Jodi Piccout books

I have a couple of additional questions to add:

New favorite author: Charles Martin, author of When Crickets Cry, Wrapped in Rain, and one of my new favorites, Chasing Fireflies.

Books you think you should read but have never been able to get through: The Lord of the Rings series. I don't know how I made it through my bookworm childhood without ever reading these. Still as an adult I can't, even though I've #1 watched the movies and #2 Josh owns the audio books. Still nothing.

Books that have touched your life (but you couldn't necessarily say changed your life): Anne Frank, The Grapes of Wrath, To Kill a Mockingbird, Travelling Mercies, Not For Sale, Number the Stars

1 comment:

Jenni S. said...

Great meme! As a kind of book-freak (English major in college), I will definitely be doing this one later this week!