Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Wonderful World of Blogging: Part 1

It was about a year ago (give or take) that I jumped into this crazy blogging world. At this point, I’m not even sure why. But now I love it.

But why do I like to blog and read the blogs of others? I’ve been mulling this question over for the past couple of weeks and have come up with a few reasons.

First, it is a way to chronicle our life. Just yesterday I was scrapbooking some Christmas pictures and was trying to remember what we did for that season this past year. Solution? Check out my blog archives and remember moments like our special date and Riley stealing ornaments.

It is relaxing! There is something simply therapeutic about sitting down with a blank web page and spewing my thoughts onto the screen. It relieves stress and helps me process my thoughts. Then there is a validation that comes when someone comments with empathy. Someone out there understands me!

If I say that “personal expression” is one of my reasons, does that make me sound too fruity?

I also really enjoy the creative exchange of ideas. Getting rid of ants. Creating special Christmas moments with children. Saving money on groceries. Book reviews. Tried and true recipes (that I try and love!). Basically learning new things about life. It never gets boring! I learn new things all the time.

For me there is an important spiritual element to all of this. I have a hard time sharing about my faith in verbal ways, even when I’m talking to Josh. I can’t seem to find words for what God is teaching me. But when I’m writing down feelings and thoughts about my journey with the Lord, I can express things oh so much better. God is at work in this world and in my life, and I appreciate the ability to tell about it.

I get to share about my walk with God, but I also find significant encouragement in reading the blog posts of others. When a “bloggy friend” shares about a particular struggle or insight it often makes me stop and examine my own life in the light of what they’re learning. I learn things about life and God and the Bible that I’d never thought of before.

The friendship component, however, is my favorite part. More on that tomorrow. Until then, if you're a blogger, why do you do it?


Jenni S. said...

I began blogging to keep family in touch, since our family members are all over the world. Now, it has become our online family journal. Almost like my form of scrapbooking. I think my favorite parts are the spiritual lessons I learn from others, the crazy kid stories (that let me know I'm not alone), and the deepening friendships I never knew I'd have. :)

the buurstra's said...

Funny how things start as one thing and morph into another completely unexpected thing?!

I started blogging to update family that live far away. At the time I didnt really think friends would get involved bc they, for the most part, all lived close by.

But blogging has become so much more, I would agree with you and Jenni on all points. And I love it.

And am a tad bit obsessed!! :)

Looking forward to part 2!

Short Stop said...

I love your thoughts here.

You know, I have asked myself this question many, many times and have yet to come up with an answer that really expresses why I do it. Perhaps there are too many reasons and I haven't yet found the words to sum it all up. Or maybe, the reasons keep changing...

As you can see...I get all "squiggly" (a Jack term) just trying to comment about it! LOL!