Sunday, April 20, 2008


The past few years have been a little dry for me, spiritually.

No, my life hasn't gone off the deep end. But I feel like I've been in a faith-rut since college. Sure, I've enjoyed some Bible studies, experienced good alone times with God, and have certainly been blessed beyond measure with a husband, family, and friends.

But am I closer to my Savior than I was three years ago? Am I a more generous, content, or loving person? Have I given more of my life over to the One who holds me in His hand? I don't think so.

But lately I've felt a new stirring in my heart. It is like God saying to me, "I have more in store for you!" He isn't finished with me yet, and wants me to experience the abundance He has in store. I just know it. I'm feeling a hope that hasn't been present in awhile.

I've been listening to excellent podcasts lately centered around these verses. The series title? How We Grow. Go figure - they're just what I needed to hear. They've been going through basic steps for growth in Christ, which is good because I need basics these days! What will this look like? I think it is going to involve pursuing these things:

Brotherly Kindness

Yes, this is a long list. That is a lot for me to focus on! However, I think God is tugging on my heart in specific ways with regard to these things. Like baby steps. I'll hopefully get the chance to share more specifics later.

But starting off I know a couple things to be true:

1. It will be costly. God will work in me, but not for me or without me. I like how 2 Peter says, "make every effort." As in, "spare no expense." Working hard at drawing near to the Lord will be worth every bit of it.

2. God has already given me everything I need. That's the thing with God - he has already made the first move. It starts with God (it always does!) - his power, his goodness, his promises. I've been supplied with all of the ingredients, and it is up to me to get in the game.


Jenni S. said...

I'm right there with you in some ways! I'm excited to see how He will work in you and "grow" you. Hope I get to hear more on Wed (if you can even talk because of the delicious food you are about to experience!).

Short Stop said...

I loved reading this. It was so honest and hopeful and it's evidence that God is working and stirring something in you!

And it is indeed so awesome that God makes the first move...and that He has a plan in place already!