Thursday, February 14, 2008

Movie Recommendation: Juno

For those of you who haven't seen it, this movie is terrific. One of the best that I've seen in quite a while.

Pro-life without being judgmental. Quirky without being forced. Unpredictable and HYSTERICAL. The acting and dialog are excellent. I love how the movie depicts teen pregnancy in such an honest way - and fleshes out the messyness and angst and hope and unknown about it all. It isn't overly harsh on the teenagers, but doesn't gloss over the rough aspects of such a situation either. And I have to say that I loved Rainn Wilson's (think Dwight Schrute) cameo (which you can see a portion of in the trailer below).


Jenni S. said...

Wow, I never saw the complete trailer for it, but that looks good. Yea Dwight! And yea that the writer's streak is over - hopefully we'll have new Office episodes soon!

Emily Dykstra said...

Hi, Jessica-

I'm a friend of Sarah Short's and saw your comment.

I agree with your assessment of Juno. It was interesting how pro-life it was without being preachy. This movie gave me hope about future creative endeavors in Hollywood... a little more moral without being "Christopher Rob*in-y". Very cool film.

Julie said...

Thanks for posting the trailer...we had wanted to see it but weren't quite sure-we've been burned by so many of those "quirky" films that turn out to be horrible. We'll definitely put this on our list!

Aletha VanderMaas said...

I loved this movie!

Short Stop said...

I need to see this one! I have has several people say they loved it!

Anonymous said...

i assumed Juno was directed by the same guy that directed Knocked Up because it's about an unexpected pregnancy, and Michael Cera stars as Juno's boyfriend (he was one of the goofy kids from Superbad, a close relative of Knocked Up), but it turns out this is not the case